Why GyneFix
The many positive properties of Gynefix make it a very reliable and comfortable choice.
The main advantages of GyneFix are:
More effective than the pill (0,1 to 0,5% pregnancies with GyneFix against 9% with the pill after 1 year of use).
Long duration
5 years, fit and forget!
No impact on libido
Natural libido level due to non-hormonal nature of GyneFix.
No effect menstrual cycle
Respects the bodies menstrual and ovulation cycles
Fits anyone
Tailored fitting due to frameless design.
Well tolerated
Minimal side-effects.
Small and flexible frameless design makes GyneFix very comfortable.
No extra blood loss
After the first few cycles no extra menstrual blood loss.
Easily reversible
Remove GyneFix and you are fertile immediately.
100% Hormone-free
No influence on hormonal-balance of your body.
No worries, never forget contraception.
No weight gain
Does not influence body composition in any way.