Frequently asked questions
This page contains the most frequently asked questions about GyneFix.
If something is not clear, or if your question is not on this list. Do not hesitate to contact us via the contact page. We are happy to answer all your questions.
What does GyneFix look like?
GyneFix consists of 4 (GyneFix 200) or 6 (GyneFix 330) copper tubes attached to a surgical thread.
A small knot at the end of the thread is used to attach GyneFix to the womb. This is why GyneFix, if correctly fitted, is rarely released from the womb.
Why does my doctor or friend advise against the copper IUD?
GyneFix is a unique copper IUD and has a completely different design than traditional copper IUD's. As a result, there are far fewer side effects and GyneFix is also suitable for women who have not yet had children.
Due to our rapidly changing era, your doctor or friend may not know GyneFix and compare it to traditional copper IUD's.
Daily close contact with medical experts and with women who are interested in GyneFix, shows us that there are many unfounded myths about GyneFix and copper IUD's in general. We are happy to take the time to invalidate these.
I want to get GyneFix, but my doctor does not use/know GyneFix.
Inform your doctor about GyneFix. You can refer to our website for professionals at We provide support, information and training. If desired, we will visit the doctor and provide all information needed to get started with GyneFix.
Check our Doctors page to find a trained GyneFix doctor in your area.
Who can use GyneFix?
GyneFix is an ideal contraceptive for all women, both women who have given birth as well as women who have never given birth. GyneFix is different from traditional IUD's because it is small, frameless and very flexible. This is the reason why GyneFix is very well tolerated and fits in every womb.
Who do I need to insert GyneFix?
For an optimal result and maximum user comfort it is important to consult a trained GyneFix doctor. A list of trained doctors in your region is available on our GyneFix Doctors page.
What can I expect during placement?
Fitting is usually done in the doctor's practice room. GyneFix can be placed at any time of the menstrual cycle. First the doctor will check if you are not pregnant and if there are no pelvic inflammations.
Placement usually includes these steps:
- Physical exam. The doctor will make sure everything is ok.
- An Ultrasound is taken to determine the size and position of the womb.
- Fitting of GyneFix.
- A second ultrasound is taken to confirm correct placement.
For optimal results it is recommended to consult a trained GyneFix doctor. Please consult our GyneFix Doctors page for a map with all trained GyneFix doctors in your neighborhood.
Is the insertion painfull?
When the doctor attaches GyneFix to the womb, a short stinging pain can be felt. The pain is very similar to receiving a needle injection. Within a few seconds the pain sensation should ease away.
If you are very sensitive to pain, your doctor can administer a local anesthetic.
What can I expect after insertion?
Immediately after insertion a minimal amount of blood loss is normal
Light menstrual cramps are possible 2 to 3 days after insertion.
Heavier periods in the first few months of use are possible. After a few periods it will steadily return to normal.
I haven't given birth yet, is GyneFix suitable for me?
GyneFix is very suitable for woman who haven't given birth yet. Due to the frameless and flexible design, GyneFix adapts to any womb.
Can I use tampons or menstrual cups after insertion?
Do not use tampons and menstrual cups in the first 2 months following insertion.
Can I exercise after insertion?
It is advised to not engage in strenuous physical activity within the first week of insertion. After that exercise and physical activity are completely safe.
When can I have sex again, after insertion?
It is advised to not have sexual intercourse during the first 2 weeks after insertion.
Can my partner feel GyneFix?
GyneFix is fitted inside the womb and is not noticeable during intercourse. The end of the surgical thread, on which the copper tubes are attached, protrude 1 to 2 cm from the cervix. Usually the thread curls up around the cervix, so that it is not noticeable.
If your partner is feeling the thread, you can ask your doctor to tuck the thread in the womb or cut it shorter.
Is a follow-up visit necessary?
Have a follow-up visit 4 to 8 weeks after GyneFix has been fitted.
Can I delay my period with GyneFix?
GyneFix is a hormone-free method of anti-conception, this means the natural menstrual-cycle of the body is maintained.
With GyneFix you can not delay or skip your period. If you want to affect the timing of your menstruations, then it is possible to temporarily use a hormone-based anti-conception method (ex. the Pill) in combination with GyneFix.
How much does GyneFix cost?
GyneFix costs approximately 159,00 euro and offers 5 years of worry-free effective contraception.
Is GyneFix reimbursed?
The reimbursement of GyneFix is dependent on your age.
Younger than 25 years
Younger than 25 years, than GyneFix is 100% reimbursed by NIHDI (National Institute for Health and Disability Insurance). More info at (dutch version) or (french version)
25 years and older
For ages 25 and upward, the reimbursement is dependent on the health care plan you are subscribed to. For the exact details please contact your health care plan provider.
What is the difference between GyneFix 200 and 330?
GyneFix 200 consists of 4 copper tubes which are attached to a length of surgical thread. GyneFix 200 is suitable for most woman.
GyneFix 330 has 6 copper tubes instead of 4. This design is suitable for woman with an hysterometry of 8 cm or more.
Your doctor will advise you on what is the best GyneFix type to use in your case.
How long does it take for fertility to return after removal?
Because GyneFix does not affect the hormonal balance of the body, fertility immediately returns to normal after removal.
Allergic to copper?
Copper allergy is a very rare condition. There are no reported cases of copper allergies with GyneFix.
A healthy adult body contains about 50 to 80 milligrams of copper. Copper is used by the body to produce bone and binding tissue. Because copper occurs naturally in the body, allergies are very rare.
Some people might think they are allergic to copper, but in most cases they are actually allergic to certain impurities (ex. nickel) contained within the copper. GyneFix uses medical grade copper of the highest purity (99,999% pure), this is the reason why allergic reactions to impurities are non existent.
Can I undergo an MRI scan with GyneFix inserted?
MRI Safety Information for GyneFix® & GYN-CS®
MR Conditional
Non-clinical testing has demonstrated that "GyneFix® 330" is MR Conditional. A patient with this device can be safely scanned in an MR system meeting the following conditions:
Static magnetic field of 1.5 Tesla and 3 Tesla, with
- Maximum spatial field gradient of 12,900 G/cm (129 T/m)
- Maximum force product of 229,000,000 G2/cm (229 T2/m)
- Theoretically estimated maximum whole body averaged (WBA) specific absorption rate (SAR) of 2 W/kg (Normal Operating Mode)
The test object GyneFix® 330/GyneFix® 10/GYN-CS® 10/ReLARC® 10 has been exposed within a 64 MHz RF-laboratory system (equivalent 1.5 Tesla) and within a 128 MHz RF-laboratory system (equivalent 3 Tesla).
Technical reference is available here.
Can I pass a metal detector with GyneFix?
Metal detectors used for example in airports do not detect GyneFix.
Can GyneFix be used for Emergency Contraception?
Yes. GyneFix can be used as emergency contraception up to 5 days following intercourse.